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Seniors Downsizing Made Easy: Tips for a Smooth Move

Senior couple downsizing their home.

Making the decision to a move to a senior living community is exciting! However, the actual moving process and the act of downsizing your belongings tend to be more frustrating. Although downsizing can require plenty of time and planning, there are also a surprising amount of joys that come with it. For example, you’re gaining a new home with less space to clean and maintain, fewer financial concerns and more time to enjoy the fulfilling lifestyle that you deserve.

If you’re just beginning the process of downsizing, don’t worry. We’ve pulled together a list of tips to help ensure a smooth transition.

5 Tips for Downsizing Your Home

  1. Go Room by Room: You will lessen the burden of downsizing by dividing your work into chunks. Remember, you don’t need to do everything at once. Take downsizing your home one step at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Label Everything: Organization is key when it comes to downsizing. You need to make sure all of your belongings are appropriately divided and labeled in boxes. This way, unpacking and setting up your new home is a smooth process with minimal frustration. A bonus tip – create an “Open First” box while moving to ensure you have everything you need during the first night in your new home.
  3. Decide What is Most Important to You: As you’re going through your belongings, ask yourself the question, “Is this important?” Commit to making “yes” and “no” piles through this process to help you make quick, decisive decisions, and help declutter as much as possible by selling, donating or getting rid of items you don’t need. By sorting through your possessions, you’ll choose your best-loved treasures to surround you in your new home.
  4. Ask for Help: You don’t have to do this alone. Have friends and family members assist you through the process to make it easier and more efficient. Not only will you spend some quality time together, but you’ll be surprised how many incredible memories come up while looking through your belongings that you’ll be able to share with them.
  5. Embrace the Experience: Remember, downsizing and moving to a senior living community offers you the opportunity to live the best life you can. While of course there will be frustrating moments, in the end, it will be worth it. Don’t get caught up in the small details and delight in your new, vibrant lifestyle!

Make Yourself at Home at Heritage Senior Living

At Heritage Senior Living, our community offers the perfect place for residents to live their golden years to the fullest. The Callaghan family shared, “’Home away from home’ is how our father describes his surroundings and experience living at the Heritage.”
With incredible lifestyle opportunities and personalized apartments, you’ll be pleased choosing our home-like senior housing for your retirement years. Find out how you can make the move to one of our senior living communities. Contact our caring team today to learn more.